With a few exceptions, almost all of the articles published on this Blog - Modi's India would be written by me, and at http://MikeGhouseforIndia.blogspot.com articles written by others are included, that amounts to 20 Articles, plus what the other news papers have written about me including Times of India, Time and Saudi Gazette.
I am fascinated by Mr. Modi, and will continue to monitor him for at least one year.
The accusation leveled against me and Tharoor is that we have changed. We have not! It is actually Modi who has changed, taking a 180-degree turn, and every Indian should welcome it as we do. Modi started speaking the language of inclusiveness that we understood, and the right thing to do is to appreciate it. What we offered was not blanket, wholesale praise but selective praise where he deserves it.
Skepticism is good and without which nothing good can come, and I understand the concerns people have. Over the years, I have learned and spent hundreds of hours researching and writing, listening to his speeches and understanding him. I do connect with him now, and I will stick my neck out and say, things will get better under Modi Sarkar, good days are coming for every Indian regardless of his or her affiliation.
The real conflicts are not between Hindus,
Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Sikhs, Jains and others, but
between two mindsets. India has two kinds of people; the
ones who cherish unity, and the others who relish divisiveness; the ones who believe
in freedom, and the others who want to restrict the rights of
others; one who believes that all others should surrender to
their whims of the majority, and the other believe that every
individual is equal; ones who believe minding their own business and the
others who meddle in how others live.
Every Indian should have the freedom to breathe, eat, drink,
wear and believe whatever the hell he or she wants, then
the pragati (prosperity) will be sustainable. If people fight
over these issues, our constitution should put them in their
place for the common good of Indians.
I must give credit to NDTV - their debates are based on respect
for every human, and have defended he undefended and voiceless.
They are good for India and I applaud them.
Thank you
Jai Hind

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
06/10/14 -Shashi Tharoor and Mike Ghouse on Narendra Modi
06/02/14 - Anti Muslim and Anti-Christian Frisco Meetinghttp://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/06/anti-muslim-and-anti-christian-frisco.html
05/29/14 - Muslims Welcome Modi's Victory
05/26/14 - Notes from Swearing in Ceremony http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/05/notes-from-watching-swearing-in.html
05/25/14 - Aap Ki Adalat me- a TV Show (not by me) http://www.indiatvnews.com/video/category/aapkiadalat-1.html
05/23/14 - Narendra Modi's hypothetical Speech http://www.opednews.com/articles/Mr-Narendra-Modi-s-hypoth-by-Mike-Ghouse-2014-Elections_Bharatiya-Janata-Party_Governance_Historicism-140525-136.html
05/19/14 - Congratulations Mr. Modi http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/05/congratulations-mr-narenda-modi.html
05/16/14 - US Policy on India needs to change http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/05/us-policy-on-india-and-modi-needs-to.html
05/09/14 - India's Modi on his best behavior, can we trust him? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ghouse/indias-modi-on-his-best-behavior-can-we-trust-him_b_5280892.html#es_share_ended
04/23/14 - Times Poll changed due to my efforts http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Modi-Kejriwal-become-Times-most-influential-people-thanks-to-dodgy-poll-and-online-fan-club/articleshow/34123215.cms
04/23/14 - Times poll did not list Modi on the top http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/04/time-100-it-is-not-narendra-modi-but.html
04/21/14 - For every Muslim Ass, there is a Hindu ass, add hole if you want to http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/04/for-every-muslim-ass-there-is-hindu-ass.html
04/06/14 - World's largest democracy goes to vote / Most papers including CNN has copied me http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/04/worlds-largest-democracy-goes-to-vote.html
03/15/14 - It is time Modi shows strength in softness http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/03/its-time-modi-shows-strength-in-softness.html
03/15/14 - India's Journey into the future on a level playing field http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/03/indias-journey-into-future-on-level.html
03/13/14 - India's experiment with clean politics http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/03/indias-experiment-with-clean-politics.html
02/26/14 - Saudi Gazette about Modi's stars - My interview http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=20140227196984
02/18/14 - Is it Modi's fault or is it the System? http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/02/is-it-modis-fault-or-is-it-sytem.html
01/18/14 - Modi dehumanizing women http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2014/01/narendra-modi-and-dehumanizing-women.html
01/03/14 - Modi's Nakshatras are not in his favor http://www.opednews.com/articles/Narendra-Modi-s-Nakshatras-by-Mike-Ghouse-Anti-christian_Bharatiya-Janata-Party_Business_Congress-131227-999.html
11/04/13 - India's future with Narendra Modi
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